Monday, February 8, 2010

Oodles of Noodles

So I made noodles from scratch. Winter blesses me with sheer boredom from sunrise to sunset. I simply must find a better way to pass the time....

Buckwheat/white flour mixture. 80/20

Lots of pounding and rolling. Ultimately, the noodles came out "good" but not great. I really wanted to fry them, but didn't have any lard or oil. I am, as the French say: Le Broke.

I think I boiled them a few minutes too long, as well. A little chewy.

It's the basics that make great food. It's the simplicity of an item that, when cooked properly, makes a beautiful dish. What is cooking properly? Care. Detail. Timing. Reckless Abandon, sometimes. Cooking properly is not spices, flavors, additives. That's all fine and good, and should be added when necessary, but not at the risk of the main ingredient. All too often an eager bastard tries to mask the item with some "flavor" thus removing all the flavor the original item had to offer.

Simplicity in design/action and complexity in choice of food makes great cooking.

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