Friday, February 12, 2010

Yellow Belly

Whole Roasted Chicken

Now this is something I haven't had in a while: Chicken. I marvel at people who believe grilled chicken cutlet, skinless, with steamed broccoli and brown rice is "healthy". I say, bullshit. That has got to be the most ridiculous recipe to come out of the modern fitness industry's big mouth. First off, it's boring. Second off, what about peoples intolerance to gluten? No rice. Thirdly, is that chicken Purdue? If so, it was born, "grown", and killed in the same 12"x12" cage. It was so small, that the chicken never grew muscles, so they pumped it full of hormones for big breasts. No movement meant their little talons adhering to the cage, like trees through wire fences. These cages are also stacked upon each other like dominoes. So the chicken shit drops through the other cages. Hungry yet? Oh, and fourthly, it's boring. Did I say this already?
Moving on...
But you ask, "But Alex! Sir Chef weightlifter extraordinaire, you are eating chicken! Why?"
I would answer, "Because a real chicken, roasted whole, is delicious, bonehead!"

Slow roasted and crisped at high temperature at the end, doused in olive oil and a plethora of spices, accompanied by sweet potatoes and red potatoes, and basted in apple cider.

Enough said? Yes, I agree.

Today's weightlifting: None, but 90 minutes of Jiu Jitsu.

Indy ate chicken too! If it wasn't healthy, I would never feed it to my dog.


  1. The lack of a photo here is really excruciating! It sounds too good.

  2. I forgot to take one until half of it was eaten. I couldn't post a picture of a half chicken under the title "Whole Roasted Chicken". I just couldn't do it...

  3. Whether you think chicken, broccoli and brown
    rice is "boring" is irrelevant. Your arrogant
    presumption that the chicken comes from Perdue,
    and is therefore "unhealthy", sounds like one
    of those PETA freaks (vegans) who are so obsessed with "animal rights", they think any
    slaughter of animals is "murder". Get a grip!
    Any well-broiled chicken breast, plain or spiced-up is an excellent source of protein,
    which, as anyone who's pumped any iron knows,
    is key for muscular strength and development.

  4. Falso. Anything unnaturally chemically altered is unhealthy. Also, you can "taste" the happiness of the animal that was killed. The "in-&-out" of todays slaughterhouses have negative effects on the meat. Pigs, for instance, release a chemical when they are rolling down the conveyer belt (because they are very smart) from fear that paralyzes the muscles.
    Furthermore! protein, in anabolism isn't the "key" to strength and development as most people say. Hydration and nutrient timing as just as, if not more, important than protein.

    You lose this time, Turbo.
